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Small note: I think I got the exact same 3 ingredients in a row for 2 different customers. It may be worthwhile adding a brief check in there to prevent that (e.g. if the randomly generated list of requirements is an exact match from the last round, just re-roll the randomiser again before showing the player).

Suggestion: Give us a ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button for our scores after each night so we can more easily share them. Or a dedicated screenshot button (we can take screenshots any time of course, but a dedicated button in-game reminds the player of the possibility and subtly encourages them to share their scores with others).

Suggestion: More randomisation with the feedback, especially when they’re happy. At the moment every single customer likes to say “OMG, amazing!” :D … Perhaps, you could even customise the feedback based on the character. Give them each their own way of talking and reacting to the same situations? (fantastic, great, good, spilled, too slow, etc)

Bug/Issue: When I close the bar for the night, a random character wanders out and says “You just spilled my drink everywhere!” (in the background, behind the scores). I assume you’re aware of this one but thought I’d flag it here for you.

Wow thanks for all the great feedback and suggestions!

I actually never encountered that bug in testing, even when trying out a bunch of different combinations of conditions :') but I guess that's the nature of game jams huh

(5 edits)

The mixing of ingredients made sense, and I felt that it very quickly became quite logical. I think I’ll make a counterpoint here to what many others are saying and my thought is that the mixing was at a pretty reasonable difficulty level.

Night 1:

Fantastic: 2 Great: 2 Good: 1 Bad: 0 Tips: $55 Debt: $445

Night 2:

Fantastic: 2 Great: 2 Good: 0 Bad: 1 Tips: $50 Debt: $405

Night 3:

Fantastic: 2 Great: 2 Good: 0 Bad: 2 Tips: $50 Debt: $375

Night 4:

Fantastic: 1 Great: 0 Good: 0 Bad: 5 Tips: $15 Debt: $410

Night 5:

Fantastic: 1 Great: 0 Good: 0 Bad: 4 Tips: $15 Debt: $435

Night 6:

Fantastic: 2 Great: 1 Good: 0 Bad: 2 Tips: $40 Debt: $415

… I’m never going to escape this place, am I? 😭 (but I’ll enjoy my eternal torment!)

I think this was great! Nice music, sound effects fitting, I didn't read the instructions much (at all) but had blast learning what the customers in Hell meant by their ingredient descriptions. I liked the art style too. Very cool game! 

Thanks so much!!

Haha, I really suck at figuring out what the customers want but it's super fun trying. I really like the art and ambiance too. I kinda wish the success area on the mixing part was a smidge more forgiving

You're not the first person to tell me the mixing was too hard hahaha. Thanks for playing :)


Really great and quite addictive - more so than I first expected. The experimentation is good and the hints are cryptic enough to be interesting but not outrageously hard enough to be frustrating.  Beautifully styled and the chosen music is a nice addition.  Great job, and congrats on the jam!

Thanks so much!

It took me 22 nights and I'm still not sure I figured out all of the ingredients 100%, lol. Lovely game though! The visuals, music and gameplay are all really nice. Great work!

Thank you! Yeah without playtesting with other people it was hard to tell whether the clues we used were way too obvious or way too hard hahaha, but I'm glad you liked it enough to go for 22 nights :D

Great ambience, like you're really a bartender in hell! Who knew that not spilling your drink was so difficult...

Love the theme, a chill vibe mixed with frantically trying to find the correct ingredients.