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Where can I find the source code?

Just tried this out. I like it a lot, although I rage-quit one of the later levels that starts with four 'rows' of spikes. I really like how the death mechanics are handled, but one thing that I think would help is if there was some way to tell when I'm actually above the 'platform' i'm standing on. Like, maybe a shadow sprite that is just a light, transparent black or gray circle or static image, but appears under my character on the 'highest' point that i'm currently above. it might look a little clunky, but it would allow the player to see where they are going to land so they know when to stop moving left or right.

That's good feedback, thanks :)

Overall a fun game, got a bit frustrated with the collision detection, e.g. sometimes when I jump on the errr corpse on spikes, the character dies even though visually I would think that it was standing on the "corpse"

Thanks for the feedback :) Yeah I think the collision box for the spikes could do with some change for sure