You're a power grid operator trying to manage electricity across the network.

Let any facilities run out of power and you lose! Keep everything running to advance to the next level.

Made for the New Year New Skills Game Jam :)

Music is by Abstraction, Ludum Dare 38 Tracks 2 & 3 (


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Good idea, good music, lots of bugs. Perfect learning material.

This is a really cool use of the theme! I think the difficulty scaling is a bit off, and the player should probably start with more indication of which wire is connected to which location (maybe the engineer could place sticky notes on the wires telling the player where they're connected, but in later levels the mayor messes up the budget again and forgets to import more sticky notes or something). But it's still a lot of fun.

I also want to ask how you pulled off the wire connection mechanic. I have a similar wire dragging mechanic in my entry, but the code behind it was a frustrating mess. So any insight into how you did this would be great!

(1 edit)

Thanks for checking out my game :)
I programmed this in Godot, and I had a hell of a time working out the cable mechanic hahaha, cause I'd never done something like that. I did it so that when you click on a plug it instances a new cable (which is made of a line2d with 2 points) and sets the position of that plug as the start point, and sets the end point as being at the position of the mouse so the cable follows your mouse. Then when you click on a second plug it sets that plug as the end point. And then I used some bools to track things like if a plug was occupied to figure out if it was receiving power

So we had a similar system then, since my cables also used line2ds.

Did you use the on_mouse_entered/exited signals to tell when the cables could be destroyed? Since I did and they were wildly inconsistent.

Not exactly, I made a function to tell me when the mouse was within 10 pixels of the line from any point, and then if a right click occurs it queue_frees the line. It wasn't a great solution though because if lines are overlapping and you right click near them all the lines get deleted. And there was some other funky behaviour when if the mouse was moving fast away from the line as you click it doesn't register as being near the line, so I had to track the mouse positions and add it to an array so it can use the position when the click was started, not when it finishes. Hopefully that makes sense haha

That makes sense. It seems like you essentially coded the mouse_entered signal yourself, which if my experience is anything to go off was probably the right call. I was able to generate an area 2d with a collision box aligning with the bounds of the line, I just couldn't get the cursor to collide with it, but with a bit of experimentation it might be a better solution than mouse_entered or manual proximity detection.

Very challenging game but great concept for the theme. It bugs out a bit for me where the wire wouldn't appear anymore after disconnecting and the timer is stuck at 22s. Overall it's an interesting game

Whoops looks like there was a bug I didn't catch......but thanks for playing :)

Maybe my IQ is not enough. I can't get through the customs before the countdown … but the music is great! It makes my brain move quickly with the rhythm.

A few people have said it was very difficult :')

Looks like I'm not an exception. Great.(^_^) 

I made the mayor happy. i feel accomplished 

Hehe I'm glad he's happy